Rape fantasies and Nazi talk: Interim OpenAI CEO's tweets

OpenAI announced on Tuesday its co-founder Sam Altman will return as CEO, days after he was fired by the board
The company had previously appointed Emmett Shear, a former chief executive of Amazon's streaming platform Twitch, as its new CEO despite
pressure from Microsoft and other major investors to reinstate Altman.Following Shear's appointment, his past tweets on X, came under
scrutiny for delving into sexually explicit and provocative subjects.His commentary on sexual dynamics between men and women, discussions
aboutrape fantasies, and reflections on pickup artistry have raised eyebrows, especially considering the traditional expectations for a
business leader.On X, Shear once shared thoughts such as, "Receiving attention from an attractive woman, even if ultimately the date goes
nowhere, is generally positive utility for a man," and engaged in discussions about how women have several sexual kinks
He further delved into discussions around non-consensual sex fantasies women may have, raising eyebrows about the appropriateness of such
discussions for someone who was briefly OpenAI's CEO.Further scrutiny of Shear's Twitter history reveals controversial statements, including
discussions on the Nazis, and critiques of Microsoft.In addition to his controversial tweets, Shear faced criticism during his tenure as
Twitch's CEO for his handling of sexual abuse allegations on the platform
Streamers accused him of downplaying the claims, leading to a public letter addressing the allegations and pledging support for women and
communities of color.The controversial tweets and Shear's unconventional online presence have sparked concerns within the tech community,
with some speculating about the wisdom of his earlier interim appointment and its potential impact on OpenAI's trajectory.