Explained: Amazon delivery scam and how to identify it

Scammers are devising new ways to con innocent customers
Recently, there was a lot of chatter about courier scams where criminals targeted people by scheming on gifts and packages
In these scams, the crooks used names of notable companies to avoid detection
Now, another type of scam related to package delivery has come to light.Amazon delivery scamOne of the members of The Times of India
Tech-Gadgets Now team received an email seemingly from Amazon notifying them about a delivery scam where scammers are trying to obtain
type of scam that is prevalent is the order confirmation scam
People are receiving unexpected calls/texts/emails that often refer to an unauthorised purchase and ask you to act urgently to confirm or
cancel the purchase
The scammers try to convince people to provide payment or bank account information, install software on their computer/device, or purchase
Those who receive such calls and items must review your Order History, and shipping and delivery information such as customs regulations,
identify Amazon delivery scamHere are some tips to identify scams and keep account information safe:Always check the Amazon mobile app or
which scammers use to persuade you to do what they're asking.Never pay over the phone as Amazon never asks customers to provide payment
website when seeking help from Amazon
Police announced that they have joined hands to fight fraud and protect online shoppers from bad actors