Why most people are struggling with brain fog these days

care and complained about the delay.The person on the other side tried to make me understand that the parcel will arrive in time, but I was
not able to get that and scolded him for the delay from the company
has become a common concern
Constant exposure to a barrage of records, notifications, and stimuli can lead to intellectual fatigue, making it difficult to concentrate
It worries me if it is an early sign of dementia
But I largely feel it happens because there is so much going on in my life, there is so much to handle, that my brain gets tired and then it
your brain or memory can also lead to similar symptoms
P Venkat Krishnan, Senior Consultant - Internal medicine, Artemis Hospital Gurugram, agrees, explaining how we ourselves are making our
brains weaker
It was an exercise for the mind
Now we just open the computer and we do everything on the computer
We don't remember any anniversary
We put a memory on the phone and a date on the phone, that's all
As a result, our mind is not getting the activity it gets to remember things
We don't make an effort to remember things for a long time
It is becoming more and more slow
Like the body becoming fat because of lack of activity, the brain also becomes thicker
It is not able to function properly
It is not able to think
professional, agree on common symptoms and causes related to cognitive fog; despite differences in age, gender and work profiles, among
both feel stress to be a contributing factor
of Coronavirus infection and pandemic is also one of the contributing factors behind cognitive decline for some people.Mayank, 27, recalls,
details of the day and weeks
New information, in particular, slips off easily
shares other common causes that can lead to mental fog:Lack of Sleep: Many people today struggle with inadequate sleep due to busy
schedules, electronic device use, or other factors.Sedentary Lifestyle: Lack of physical activity is associated with various health issues,
including cognitive decline.Poor Diet: Diets high in processed foods and low in essential nutrients may negatively impact cognitive
Incorporating breaks, workouts, and satisfactory sleep into our routines, in conjunction with pressure control techniques, can substantially
Viparita Karani and breathing exercises such as Bhramari Pranayama can be helpful.Udgeeth pranayama- The 5-minute guided meditation for
If someone is constantly experiencing cognitive difficulties, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional to rule out any