Referendum Day in Chile: Choosing a Constitutional Path

Chile faces a pivotal moment this Sunday, December 17, 2023, as citizens vote on a new constitutional proposal.This draft, presented to
conservative than the 2022 proposal, which failed in an earlier referendum.The Chilean Constitutional Council, mainly right-wing and
conservative members, finalized the proposal after four months.This process differs from the 2022 effort, involving 24 experts from Congress
and elected politicians.Referendum Day in Chile: Choosing a Constitutional Path
Paulo professor and constitutional history researcher, notes similarities in both the 1980 and current constitutions, rooted in liberal
Republic with separated powers and a presidential system, including a bicameral Congress.Unlike the 2022 draft, which sought to abolish the
Senate, the new text introduces fewer institutional innovations.Referendum Day in Chile: Choosing a Constitutional PathSupporters of the
ensures party candidacy parity but not elected parity.It shifts language around protecting unborn life, sparking debates on abortion law
implications.Recent polls indicate a lean towards rejection of the proposal, with a narrower margin than in the last referendum.This