Opposition Leader s Thai Pongal message

In his Thai Pongal message, Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa urged Sri Lankans everywhere to embrace the essential blessings bestowed by
Pongal, often recognized as a festival bringing positive vibrations to the spiritual way of life in the Hindu community, offers a splendid
dawn of civilization
Throughout ancient times, people have revered the sun god, attributing the life-giving force to its radiant presence
The Thai Pongal festival stands out as a unique celebration that pays homage to the Sun God and symbolizes the profound faith people place
in this celestial entity
Thai Pongal, often recognized as a festival bringing positive vibrations to the spiritual way of life in the Hindu community, offers a
harvested produce to the Sun God during this festival is believed to usher in blessings for the upcoming year
Overcoming these obstacles is imperative, transcending barriers of caste, religion, color, or tribe
On this day of Thai Pongal, I urge Sri Lankans everywhere to embrace the essential blessings bestowed by the natural world and embark on a