International CEOs Foresee Their Business Models Becoming Outdated Fast

A PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) survey reveals that nearly half of global CEOs foresee their business models becoming unsustainable in a
decade.This concern stems from the rapid progress in technology like AI and the growing pressures of climate change.The survey, encompassing
highlighted these insights at the World Economic Forum in Davos.He noted a shift in focus among business leaders
While inflation concerns are receding, AI and climate change are becoming primary focuses.Moritz emphasized the need for better
(Photo Internet reproduction)He commented on the current lack of sufficient computing power and the necessity of economic growth to foster
AI development.This, in turn, will lead to a surge in energy demand
The survey also revealed a shift in concerns among CEOs.They are now less worried about macroeconomic issues and more about adapting to
technological and environmental changes.Additionally, a significant number of CEOs anticipate workforce expansion, with over a third
through smarter travel decisions.This approach aims for more efficiency in corporate travel, reflecting a broader trend of businesses
becoming increasingly conscious of their environmental impact.In conclusion, the PwC survey underscores a pivotal moment for businesses
worldwide.Leaders are preparing for a future shaped by AI advancements and climate change challenges.These findings indicate a pressing need
for businesses to adapt and innovate to remain viable in a rapidly evolving global landscape.