Information Commission instructs universities to implement Right to Information laws

KATHMANDU, JANUARY 15The National Information Commission (NIC) has issued order in
the name of universities being operated in Nepal to adhere to the Right to Information laws of the country.
Free PM from
work burden of numerous universities'
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universities to community level The NIC has
instructed existing 16 universities of Nepal, including Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu University, Purbanchal University and Pokhara
University to follow and implement RTI provisions in their institutions, stated a press release issued by the NIC on Sunday.The NIC has
instructed the universities and its associated institutions to designate public information officers, disclose their name, post, phone or
mobile number and necessary details, ensure proactive disclosure of information in every three months, provide information on request and
prepare and disclose information requested and provided. "The universities also are the public agencies obliged to educate
students about the fundamental freedoms such as right to information
They have the statutory obligation to adhere to and execute the RTI laws by undertaking further research and study in this regard
Likewise, the independent entities within the universities, including institutes, centres, dean offices and constituent institutions are
also responsible for complying with and implementing the RTI", the press release stated.In addition, the NIC has ordered several public
agencies under the Bagmati province government to fully adhere to the RTI provisions such as designating public information officers,
proactively disclose the information of public importance.Article 27 of the Nepal Constitution, 2015 has guaranteed every citizen's right to
seek and receive information on any matter of his or her interest or of public interests
It is the obligation of each public agency to implement the provisions specified in the Right to Information Act, 2007 and Rule, 2009 in
line with the spirit of the constitutional arrangement.The constitutionally and legally guaranteed Right to Information laws are considered
spectacular to make the functions of the state more open and transparent in accordance with the democratic system and develop an informed
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