GMOA opposes health sector trade unions strikes; Nurses not to join organized strike

unjustified.The Secretary of the GMOA Dr
the Disturbance, Availability and Transport (DAT) allowance for doctors have been completed, and that only 15% of the requested increment
They have received Rs
10,000 so far
Aluthge also pointed out that the majority of the protesting health workers are related to the secondary level of government service, while
strike action to be launched jointly with over 75 health sector trade unions on Tuesday (16), but will only hold a demonstration in front of
government hospitals during lunch time.The Chief Secretary of the union H.M.S Mediwatte stated that this decision was taken in consideration
the island will protest in front of the Health Ministry on Wednesday (17), and will launch a continuous trade union action until their
tomorrow (Jan
35,000.Earlier today, President of the Paramedical Services Front (PMSF) Upul Rohana mentioned that around 100,000 health workers including
all paramedical services, hospital secretaries, administrative officers as well as health administrative assistants, minor staff and 75
the President of the Academy of Health Professionals Ravi Kumudesh expressed that if military forces are used to suppress the health
across the island had come to a standstill, owing to several trade union actions launched by several health sector employees demanding an
DAT allowance paid to government doctors, raising it from Rs
35,000 to Rs