Candidate deposits for Presidential, Parliamentary and PC elections increased

Cabinet approval has been received to increase the deposits placed by candidates for the Presidential election, increasing the deposit of a
candidate representing a recognised political party to Rs
2.6 million and an independent party to Rs
3.1 million.Since it was recognized that it is appropriate to update the existing deposit monetary limits in a timely manner according to
the current social, economic and political background as per the provisions of the Presidential Elections Act, the Parliamentary Elections
Act and the Provincial Council Elections Act, Minister of Justice Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe had presented the proposal to instruct the legal
draftsman to draft a bill related to matter.Accordingly, the deposit money limits will be amended as follows;1.The deposit of a candidate
from a recognized political party will be increased to Rs
2.6 million and an independent candidate to Rs
3.1 million, according to the Presidential Elections Act No
15 of 1981.2.The deposit of a candidate from a recognized political party will be increased to Rs
11,000 and a candidate from an independent group to Rs
16,000, according to the Parliamentary Elections Act No
1 of 1981.3.The deposit of a candidate from a recognized political party will be increased Rs
6,000 and a candidate from an independent group to Rs
11,000, according to the Provincial Councils Elections Act No
2 of 1988.