Scientists from Canada, Sri Lanka work together to address threat of antibiotic resistance in animals

Two scientists whose connection was sparked in Saskatchewan are working together from different sides of the globe to improve animal health
Prairies.Rubin is a professor of veterinary microbiology at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine in Saskatoon
Madalagama has gone on to do really amazing things
bacteria, fungus and parasites build up resistance to medication like antibiotics, making infections harder to treat and some procedures
It can happen due to the overuse or misuse of those medications.The World Health Organization deems AMR a major global threat, and the rates
humans, not animals
He hopes to create a national system to keep track of the resistance in animals, especially livestock
on more grassroots work.Thanks to funding from the University of Saskatchewan, the two started a years-long effort to help rural vets in Sri
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