Sri Lanka, UK to convene 2nd Strategic Dialogue in Colombo next week

The second meeting of the strategic dialogue between Sri Lanka and the United Kingdom is scheduled to be held in Colombo on 07 May 2024, at
bilateral engagement, including trade, investment, tourism, climate change, environment protection, migration, and maritime cooperation
among others.The meeting will also take stock of cooperation by the two countries at international fora, including at the United Nations and
Commonwealth.Sri Lanka and the United Kingdom celebrated 75 years of diplomatic relations in 2023
The visit of Her Royal Highness Princess Anne this year to commemorate this occasion underscored the importance of our enduring
friendship.At the second Strategic Dialogue, the Sri Lanka delegation will be led by Director General Europe and North America of the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Shobini Gunasekera
It includes bilateral talks with Foreign Secretary Aruni Wijewardane.The UK side will be led by Director/India and Indian Ocean Directorate
at Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) Ben Meller and will comprise High Commissioner Andrew Patrick, Head of Sri Lanka team
in the FCDO Humairaa Haita and the High Commission officials along with officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other relevant
government agencies.