Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 takes page out of Find X playbook, employs sliding selfie camera

Though it arguably kicked off the current bezel-free smartphone craze with its original Mi Mix handset, Xiaomi seems to be taking a page out
of Oppo's design playbook with a Find X-style sliding selfie camera on its newly announced Mi Mix 3 device.Posted by Xiaomi president Lin
Bin on the company's Weibo page along with a proposed October release date, the Mi MIx 3 image shows a camera that's hidden behind an almost
look closely at the bottom left corner of the Xiaomi Mi Mix 3, you'll notice that unlike the Oppo Find X, the entire back part of the device
manual implementation that would see the user simply flick the screen down when they want to take a selfieIt would make sense for Xiaomi to
something that's destined for an eventual breakdown
tuned for more information in the lead up to the Xiaomi Mi Mix 3's (likely China-only) October release.