TC Sessions: AR/VR early-bird sale extended to Friday

You heard it here first! Early-bird ticket sales are extended till September 28 for TechCrunch Sessions: AR/VR on October 18 at UCLA
Don&t miss out on the biggest savings for this event — book your $99 tickets here
Students, get your tickets for just $45 when you book here. What going to happen at TC Sessions: AR/VR you ask You&re going to hear from
today leading innovators, watch exclusive demos onstage and network with some of the world leading minds in augmented/virtual reality
Who wouldn&t want that Onstage discussions includeAugmenting the Office,Building Inclusive Worlds,Your Virtual Self, andDitching Headsets
for Holograms
And you&ll get to hear from leading industry minds, including: Ashley Crowder (VNTANA)Cyan Banister (Founders Fund)Yelena Rachitsky
(Oculus)Nathan Burba (Survios)Ficus Kirkpatrick (Facebook)Matt Miesnieks (6D.AI)Niko Bonatsos (General Catalyst) When you tweet your
attendance through our ticketing platform, you&ll save an additional 25 percent (for early-bird tickets) and 15 percent (for student
tickets). Check out the full agenda and speaker listhere.