Russian trolls posted fake Clinton porn

Image copyrightJamie McCarthyImage caption Reddit banned a fake Hillary Clinton pornography account
Reddit has banned 944 accounts including ones that were promoting a fake Hillary Clinton porn video
One video, purporting to be a "leaked Hillary Clinton hotel sex tape" is reported to have been created by Russia's Internet Research
Agency.It was posted on Reddit by a now-banned account called Rubinjer, whose posts gained more than 100,000 upvotes.The same video was
posted on PornHub five times and was viewed more than 250,000 times, according to NBC News
In October, a whistleblower from the Internet Research Agency, a former employee called Alan Baskaev, told Russia's TV Rain that the troll
farm had created the fake Hillary Clinton porn video
The video had not been otherwise tied to a troll farm account until Reddit released usernames tied to the Russia-linked agency on Tuesday.In
an announcement to its users, Reddit said that 944 accounts, including Rubinjer, had been banned for "suspected Russian Internet Research
Agency origin." This was the first time the firm had named any of the accounts, 71 of which had over 1,000 lifetime "upvotes" on the
site.Reddit is the fourth most-visited website in the United States, according to the web analytics company Alexa.Before the 2016 election,
Rubinjer posted an animated Gif of the video to r/The_Donald, the largest pro-Trump community on the platform.Links to the video and gif
have now been deleted.